Monday, February 1, 2010

High temp of 57...

My mom always said you lose more weight when your body is cold... AND THAT IT IS. Scotland is freezing, not the outside, but the castle. My room was a high of 57 degrees.. at least my parents prepared me with 60 degrees ever night. Going to class i pretty much eat my knees trying to keep my body heat in.
Saturday we went to the Edinburgh Castle. It was so beautiful. Their was a wedding going and all the wedding party wore heels on cobble stone.. thats stinking intense. I almost tripped with my boat shoes. I then joined a tour. The man leading lost my attention. He was standing towards the crowd and my back was turned towards him.. I was not into it. My ADD had kicked in. After checking out the city, we headed back to Dalkeith. When we finally arrived, we went into an Italian resturant. This was the first time in my entire life that i was actually discriminated aganist becasue of where i was from.. "Americans, they think they can get everything.." thats what one of the bartenders said. Its said to think that, those people feel we live a life with no problems and paved with golds roads. Anyway, i ordered soup and salad. the soup was watery and the salad did not have any dressing that tasted good. That resturant is def not one i would go back to. Moving along,

NEXt day we went to the city again, but this time with our desiganted clans. thankfully my clan was super chill and we did more shopping and talking. Our objective was the "amazing race, WIS stlye".. with the lack of ambition, or care we lost. haha I was content checking out the most amazing coffee shop along with stores. Edinbugh is a great place to visit and i can actually see why people live here. Its beautiful.
So after we go our most amazing hot chocolate sundae ( just sounds like a ton of calories..) so i was drinking it up and then all of a sudden the bus shows up, and the crabby driver tells me to throw out my drink.. I DID NOT JUST PAY 3 POUNDS TO THROW IT AWAY!!!! WHATEV!!!!
i did not drink all those calories at least..

Then last night we learned traditional Scottish dances. Pretty sure i have two left feet and i stepped on everyones feet. It was fun none the less.
Then today we had a freaking four hour lecture about Scottish culture. Which is cool-- BUT this country is more liberal than America. The profs were dissing FOX NEWS-- YOU DON"T EVEN LIVE IN THE COUNTY that broadcasts... So please do not make fun of it.. but Everyone is entitled to their opionon, i just could not disagree more. hahaha

But honestly i am in love with traveling. God only places desires in your heart for a reason and I know this was def part of the life that I imagined.
I wish you all an amazing evening.

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