Monday, April 5, 2010

32 days.

32 days left in Scotland. I have mixed feelings really. It has been a great time, the people I have met are unlike any, BUT i miss America more than i ever thought i would. I miss using US Dollars to buy items. I miss my family and my doggies. I miss waking up to Addisen screaming- ZAZZA you are finally up! I miss coloring with her. i miss eating Jimmy Johns and Chipotle with some of the best crew in the world. I MISS MY CAR! haha But those things i have learned to But i am sure that two weeks after i get back home and the excitment has worn off i will miss this place. So to update you all about the last month, i must say it truly has been one of the best months of my life- Here's why:
Second weekend in March- Hit up Firbush in the Northern part of Scotland. I am not outdoorsey at all. BUt this trip made me love hiking, canoeing, (yes paddy i will go), and honeslty being in nature- DIVA TO Nature. Never thought i would say those two words in the say sentence. haha But the food was great and being active all weekend was even better.
Next weekend- My momma came to visit. I don't think i have ever been more excited to see her.
We went to Sharm El Sheik Egypt for a nice little week long holiday... I don't even know where to begin about this trip. We first get into the Glasgow airport and our luggage is like 5 kg overweight... the lady is crabby and rude (of course- whats new) Thomas Cook was a joke of airline but thats besides the point- My mom was to excited to even care that we had to pay 35 pounds... or 57 USD. WHAT A RIP. anyway, we pay get on the flight. and the Flight Attendants were like super super Sellers- I felt the flight was more like going into a market and trying to get the highest bids. NO I DON"T WANT DKNY PERFUME for the seventh time- thanks. We get into Sharmy Airport and the locals just stare us down... My mom and I just kept together and looked with wide eyes.. We purchased an Egyptian visa- for the fear that we may want to tour around the SINI PENINSILA. WRONG we were afraid to go out our front door becasue we may run into our CREEPER house cleaner guy. The first morning my mom and I go to breakfast and i just leave all my crap on the bed- my bra, underware, pjs you know that stuff, i come back from breakfast and he is FOLDING MY UNDERWARE! I flipped out, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he just smearked and said, you don't like? WHY THE HECK WOULD I LIKE THAT? NO I said, SHUUUUUU SHUUU> GET OUT of here. but of course he did not stop, i turned my head for like one minute and he was back at it. By then i just got grossed out and told my mom to get him out of here. She said, You are invading personal space, stop it. Oh ya my mom and I were the ONLY AMERICANS at this 300 person resort. We were over taken by Russians, Russians and a few Brits. I have traveled to some pretty tropical islands in the Caribbean, and have seen some interesting thingns but by far Sharmy was the first place in my life that i was lost for words. No matter what size a women was- 100 pounds to 300 they rocked bikinis. I give them props for rocking it.. But honestly, is it necessary, Oh and everyone just tans topless. But when they go swimming, they covered up. Its so wacked. Whatever, i pride myself in wearing classy suits. haha Anywaay, the food in Sharmy was at least a few steps up from the food we eat at the palace- or inmate food as Brent calls it hahah but the Egptian culture uses different spices and it just tasted different/ Praise the lord for ketchup and salt. That got us through oh and actually decent tasting Fanta. The Uk stuff is used with Sparkling water- SICK stuff. The Fanta in Egypt was just like Home. Also, in the Egyptian culture the men made sexual refrences all the time. I got to the point where i acted like i was Russian so i did not have to respond. It worked. My mom and I made some friends from the Uk- and this couple had such thick Scottish accents that my mom would look at me to "translate" hahah Even though i have been living here, it does not mean that I actually can understand their thick broughs. Most nights we were in bed by nine cos we layed in the sun for 5 to 6 hours everyday, which the weather was gergous.. Sunny everyday. OK side tracked- but the one night we go out in Namba Bay, was one of the scariest nights. The people try so hard to get you into the shops, they shout anything to you.. Thank the lord my momma and I were with a crew, beasue it was scary. One day we went snorkeling and that was super fun. The Thomas Cook representive called us "Sharkys" so when he called for us in the ocean the other people would quickly clear the water. I found that to be super funny. He was quite funny and told me stories about the Russian people. I just laughed and laughed. So the week of fun in the sun was over, but we still had the whole weekend in London. Of course the whole weekend in London it rained, i did not care though i got to spend so much time with my mom. I will never forget it. We bonded and shared so much, that we grew so close. It was the perfect trip. We laughed, ate chocolate and explored the world. With just one dream, i have been blessed to see some really awesome places in the world. As much as i miss home, and can't wait to be in America, i know i will miss Scotland and the people along with their accents.
Until then, i pray you all have an incredibley blessed week.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Parachute. Blessings. Canon. Itunes. Captain Crunch.

I get so bad about updating. Life just gets the best of me... Since that last post- much has happened. Last weekend i went to Glasgow. It was a nice city. Industrial, better shopping than Edinbugh-- but of course RAINING- oh shocker i am in the country that only believes in rain and clouds. haha i am kidding, its actually been pretty warm. There has been sun the last four days i was here. And today i could have gone running in t-shirt and shorts, of course that is the Wisconsinite in me, I run past people in winter jackets and boots. They already think i am nutzo... SO hahah lets just keep that coming. Anyway, i am in love with this UK band called The Saturday's i am not sure why the US Itunes Doesn't stinking have it up yet, BUT anyway. I was in Germany this past weekend. Its great being so central to the EU. I woke up at 3 am on Thur. to catch a taxi into EDI. She yapped my hear off so it was nice to not have to even talk. For me to say that-- I was more tired that anything. I went through security and i don't know what it is.. BUT i love the candy here. Like in America i like candy it tastes good --- BUT here its nuts. I will buy like choc. then sugar gummies and junk. This week i promise i am going on a fast hahah Yea right, not a chance... well i can believe. So flying Ryan Air is pretty much a new experience. I had to walk out to the run way-- THEN when i arrived in Frankfurt- there is like a stinking bell that was like-- This is Ryan Airs great flight and crap like that." The flight attendants were sooooo stinking unprofessional- they flirted with the piolts hahahahahah Even if i wanted to be a match maker these ladies were BAD. hahha moving on, germany first day heilberg--- Great place- Got a bit ILL- Was barfing out the window. PTL dani is NOT grossed out to bad-- i am a pro plastic bag throw upper- (if thats a word) Anyway we shopped- hit up HandM. Munch and Hurl my mom calls it. We went lougned and went out Friday night. It was seriosuly a perfect weekend tho- I got to eat American food- be with amazing company and sleep in the Best bed in the world hahah---- And this week NO BRIT HISSSSSSSSSSSSS. I say it like that cos i hate it. SO my week HOPEFULLY WILL go fast. you know what tho, my weeks already go stinking fast. and then in one more week i get to see the most beautiful lady ever! MY MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps i am biased but i am going to mob her when she lands:):) and i have been so blessed my people back home. WOrds cannot even express. Thank you all for thinking of me and asking. THe UK is great- but would be even better if i had all my home dawgs with me!!!!!!!!!! And i "topped up" today so i can perhaps even call some of you. So the month of March has been stellar. Life is good. I just need to cut out eating the RUBBISH!!!!! I hope you are all living life to the fullest, "why settle for ordinary, when YOU CAN HAVE EXTRODINARY?"

Sunday, February 21, 2010

castles, bridges, and coldplay.

The past week of my life have been incredible. No rush hour, just me and the world- and nice new cardigan. Free People to be exact. which i still have shopper's remorse from haha. But I AM keeping it DAD!! The extended weekend- New Castle, England-- words cannot even express how much i hated that city!! From the waking up in the morning at 330 AM and the train ride half awake, the door on the train did not even close and it was so cold, i kept shutting but some English people just kept walking through and never bothered to shut it!!! Anyway, Scotland is the most beautiful country. I loved the nature along with the amazing coast lines. The train is a perfect way to see the country side, but you cannot stop to view to pretty harbors and take pictures of the sail boats. Moving on, we got to New Castle England and the first stop was BK. OF COURSE AMERICANS AND OUR FOOD- haha as i was leaving the train i look at my room mate, Becca, and say- "do you even want to be here?" and she was like, NO i thought we had to go some where... FAILURE. hahah so we walk up this 45 degree angle hill and both go, can we just call the hostel and see if we can get out of this... FAILURE NUMBER 2... "in indian accent, sorry mam but cancellations must be 48 hours in advance..." REALLY??? ugh, so becca and I find the Granger hostle around 930 am. We had to ring in the front door and the man at the desk rings us back in... He explains that we are early, but will allow us to keep our bags at the Granger, (huh... No thank you, i did not feel comfortable with that, but then again it was 35 pounds off of my back) haha so, i left it there but i never even left, becasue the ladies cleaned up our room right away-- so we got in early. Not only did we get in early, but we got a free contentional breakfast. Flakey cererals (becasue that is all that the Uk has ever heard of.. ) and orange juice- i told my mom that i buy orange juice everywhere i go because it tastes the same in all the countries!! haha So i started talking to these Irish old fat men, And half way through it i leave to go the bathroom and mind you the place had ONE TREE HILL ON (well i turned it to that but still, TV, something that I have NOT watched since i left the US) and while i was gone for ten minutes, becca got stuck talking to them, when i return they invited us to visit Belfast. After they invited us they told us the stories about the HIV Needles in Belfast... NO THANK YOU!!!! hahaha Once getting in our room, I turned on the tv and napped for a cool 20 minutes- Then the shops were calling us, all we had to do was walk down the 45 degree angle hill and find the shops. Easy in the day light- Around 5pm it began to get dark and I said, Becca we should leave now so we can find our way back.. Becca wips out the map and we begin to walk, walk right into NewCastle University... DEFENTIALLY NOT THE HOSTEL. After my whiny voice she goes, "opps, it was turned the wrong way... the map was.. hahahahahhahaha" ARE YOU SERIOUS. by then it had turned dark and we had never been in this city. Of course it was raining (shocker of my life, when does it NOT rain) and I was over tired.. NOT A GOOD COMBO. (its a good thing becca is patient) So we are walking and walking asking any legit old man or young where to go. Our first hint that we were going the wrong way is when we told the locals where we needed to go and this was their response: "Oh you need to catch the bus to get that far..." NOT WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR.. So i just kept walking north. Finally we get to China Town. And of course the weekend we were their is China's new year, THUS THE part in the streets begins. The windows has freaking chickens sitting in them.. Afther we hit China town, we found India Town and that was where our hostel was. Once back at the hostel, i fell asleep watching the Olympics around 730 PM. bahahha NOT to worry, the rude bratty English teens were also staying at the Granger... SOOOOOO at 930, 430, and 530 I was woken to a hyena pitched laugh. And i swore i heard people shagging, the room walls were OH SO THICK. 9 am, i woke up-- changed from my jeans from the day before and put on new ones, how nice, went to breakfast- glared at those English people who had NO PROBLEM starring at me and Becca. I would look at them and they would just keep staring like i was some kind of statue! IT WAS NUTS!!!!! We then packed up and booked it out of there- Returning back to Edinburgh around 2 pm. The rest of the weekend was catch up with home work and just plain relaxing. I went into the city and bought a new cardigan at Urban and some other things, but i ended up returning most of it.. Since it was a short week of school, my week went really fast. Tuesday night I attended Sound of Music. I dress in like Black Tie Affair stlye, even though i would have been fine in jeans... But i still had a tons of fun. Wed night was British History- I have had more fun watching paint dry. thursday night- is my friday night, but guess what i did??? WENT TO TESCOS: the best grocery store around. I found Reese's and granola bars along with string cheese and ACTIVIA. My mother would be soooooooo happy. Friday we went to Melrose Abbey and Bowhill Estate. BOth pretty but at the same time, i was ready to be back in Dalkeith. Saturday i met my host family. I must have been nervous and felt i had to eat as fast as I spoke.. and anyone who knows me really well knows that this combination DOES NOT EQUAL SUCCESS. need less to say i came home early. Sunday- went to a "carboot sale" it is a garage sale in an UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE... and people sell all their JUNK. (APril- i am afraid you would LOVEEEEE this too much) hahha I bought two DVD's for a pound- pretty cheap. After that i went to this stand up comedy show. it was cool but i don't get that humor, i just acted excited and jetted after the first act. And now i am just eating some cereral bars and enjoying my night off. Life is gooood. I am getting sooooo pumped for Egypt. My momma is coming over on the 16. and the 18 we are going to Sharm el Shiek-- then on the 25th- going to London via train. Should be the most epic Spring Break i have EVER done. I am just so stinking blessed. Life is good. God is good. I am loving it. BE BLESSED!!!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ice Cream. The Root of Evil.

I went running today and started talking to a nice older man who had a Westy. I had to walk away because he reminded me of my dad walking my dog Daisy. He had two gradchildren and six grand kids. He had a heart of gold and I could have chatted with him all day, until the tears rolled down my eyes. I really do love Scotland but at times I just really miss America. I miss my car and my bed. But the public transportation in Scotland is so nice. I just love not having to worry about parking or checking lanes; the bus does it all for me. I also love the people in Dalkeith. Everyone I met has blessed me. The young lady in Thomas Hook who helped me purchase my tickets and the tanning salon girls, everyone is very respectful and interesting. My accent is always a good conversational piece, “where are you from in America?” There is no way I could ever pass for Canadian, and I spent way too much money on my teeth! All in all for the short period I have been here, I have already become more independent and more sure of myself. The chocolate in the UK is AMAZING- last night Mary Anne and I went to a women’s choir at U of Edinburgh and when we walked in their were like eight girls singing and they just stared at us. One girls lips read, “who are they?” I just smiled and sat in a chair. Turns out the open women’s choir doesn’t start till 730 and we were early. I have not sung since the eighth grade—do you think I actually sang? Not a chance! I sat in the back row and watched the cute Australian teacher.. and then after about an hour of that I got up and had to get ice cream.. it had way to long since I have had any good stuff.. SOOOO I walked half a mile got ice cream with a “flake” I thought it would be sprinkles—WRONG, it was a stick of chocolate that looked like a cigar… Right as I walked out the door, a home less man asked me for money. AHH I walked right back into McDonalds.. After that incident I was ready to take on any body… Just as I was thinking I was going to cross the street and did not look, the city bus almost got me hahahah… NOT ok. Oh and the point of this story, I got my chocolate! A huge monster sized carmel one... WOW no calories or anything. God keeps directing my paths and I know that the plans he has for me are more than I could ever imagine or dream. He is just that great of a God. I am blessed and so are you- Keep praying and believeing for favor!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

one castle.. all the same.

Today rolled in like a monsoon. I woke up late and then realized that I was not even on the bus sheet to take the big charter bus into Edinburgh.. Instead i rode the public transit, As i was turning the corner to find the public transportion stop, the bus 49 was there and i was not near close enough... I then started running and holding out my hand much like a hitch hiker, those Scots waited for me. hahah I then proceeded into the city and met up with my group. The first castle was decent, but the walk up there was a killer- pretty much straight up and down. My arse better look dang amazing by the time this trip is complete. After the two hours looking around we had to get lunch.. I know I American and should eat none American food, but who can honeslty go wrong with a McChicken??? i didn't think so either, as you can guess i paid my pound and ate my American food with pride, but it did not end there- there was an INCREDIBLE mall in this town and of course i just HAD to enter and see where all these ladies were getting their bags from. I found that amazing store Primark.. SO SO STINKING CHEAP i loved every single second in it. it made me miss those cheap stores in America. After that we went to another castle and it was cold, tall and a bit long.. overall it was decent. I was glad i decided to go. I still have not a clue what i am doing this weekend.. I had the oppurtunity to head down to Manchester to see Lady Gaga on Thursday night.. But not enough time. But i do know that i am heading out to Eygpt for spring break. that will be three CONTINENTS i can cross off the list. SO cool. I am really excited to start tanning-- haha i know so lame but i can't wait to go some where that doesn't rain ever day. But i will give it to the Scots they know how to have fun. they cannot and probably won't understand fist pumping till 2012-- But they can have fun and dance. Friday night we went out and these Scottish guys were like-- " You American girls know how to dance" hahahh thats right. I did the Tree Moves from High School. OH wow those were the days. I sorta feel like i should start a dating colum much like my favorite Marie Claire blogger. ahhhhh anyway, i need to get going to bed, 7 am comes like a monster.. hahahh
HOpe you all had an incredible weekend!
Auf WIedersien

Thursday, February 4, 2010


HEllo hello, Thursday has finally arrived and i have no school on Friday, so its offical the weekend has begun. THis week has been rather long not sure if its becasue i have British History for let's see... 3.5 HOURS!! SO BORING. I have a sheet that is full of my favorite quotes along with my name of course... I purchased a new jacket yesterday at Peacocks, i had to fit in better with the Scottish culture and of course a black North Face appears to be to "American".. Then again every time i smile you can of course notice that i have straight teeth, NOT A SIGN OF UNIVERSAL health care ahahah Na, i have actually noticed a few people who have a pleasant smile and of course when I do, i quickly ask-- DID you have braces??? I seem to notice teeth esp. with a great smile.. My purchase of the Lucky Brand leather shoes were a great purchase. They are not sterotypical American sneakers. Not that i am not so proud of my country becasue i would be the first to tell someone how much I love my country.. BUT i don't like standing out due to my American accesories.
There is a new band that i have been intruduced to over in the UK: La Ruex... Its a bit techno and poppy, But none the less it is fun and fits well with my runs in the morning.
Speaking of running, the people here are much quiter than Americas. I run and look down, sorta in my own world singing and people just come out of no where ( well not really i just don't pay attention) but some of them are creepy. These two guys from a distance looked ok but when i got up close, they had those eyes of the bad guys in European movies... It gave me chills but i just kept running and singing. Dogs too are everywhere here. I have not had a problem, but i am sure Daisy would not be welcomed amoung the pack.. then again when is Daisy welcome anywere she goes, unless its a 1999 Buick Lasabre. hahaha
For one of my classes we are required to blog so this is a perfect way of explaining what i am thinking/feeling and for required homework.
I haven't even had ice cream for over 8 days. I have been detoxing. I guess the bland food is helping me. My jeans are loser -- But Scotland has INCREDIBLE chocolate. Not going to lie, the Kit Kats here are INCREDIBLE.
There is a store called TK MAxx how perfect is that? Cheap clothes!!!
This weekend: plans are to do some homework, hit up some coffee shops, shop, go out, oh and no big deal just visit a few castles!!! hahah i am taking a train up to some other Scottish city to view some castles. I have heard its going to be cool. Otherwise, i am just going to keep it real and live the dream.
Its been a blessed journey thus far and cannot wait to meet the people I am supposed to and get my "line in the water"..
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, only read a page."

Monday, February 1, 2010

High temp of 57...

My mom always said you lose more weight when your body is cold... AND THAT IT IS. Scotland is freezing, not the outside, but the castle. My room was a high of 57 degrees.. at least my parents prepared me with 60 degrees ever night. Going to class i pretty much eat my knees trying to keep my body heat in.
Saturday we went to the Edinburgh Castle. It was so beautiful. Their was a wedding going and all the wedding party wore heels on cobble stone.. thats stinking intense. I almost tripped with my boat shoes. I then joined a tour. The man leading lost my attention. He was standing towards the crowd and my back was turned towards him.. I was not into it. My ADD had kicked in. After checking out the city, we headed back to Dalkeith. When we finally arrived, we went into an Italian resturant. This was the first time in my entire life that i was actually discriminated aganist becasue of where i was from.. "Americans, they think they can get everything.." thats what one of the bartenders said. Its said to think that, those people feel we live a life with no problems and paved with golds roads. Anyway, i ordered soup and salad. the soup was watery and the salad did not have any dressing that tasted good. That resturant is def not one i would go back to. Moving along,

NEXt day we went to the city again, but this time with our desiganted clans. thankfully my clan was super chill and we did more shopping and talking. Our objective was the "amazing race, WIS stlye".. with the lack of ambition, or care we lost. haha I was content checking out the most amazing coffee shop along with stores. Edinbugh is a great place to visit and i can actually see why people live here. Its beautiful.
So after we go our most amazing hot chocolate sundae ( just sounds like a ton of calories..) so i was drinking it up and then all of a sudden the bus shows up, and the crabby driver tells me to throw out my drink.. I DID NOT JUST PAY 3 POUNDS TO THROW IT AWAY!!!! WHATEV!!!!
i did not drink all those calories at least..

Then last night we learned traditional Scottish dances. Pretty sure i have two left feet and i stepped on everyones feet. It was fun none the less.
Then today we had a freaking four hour lecture about Scottish culture. Which is cool-- BUT this country is more liberal than America. The profs were dissing FOX NEWS-- YOU DON"T EVEN LIVE IN THE COUNTY that broadcasts... So please do not make fun of it.. but Everyone is entitled to their opionon, i just could not disagree more. hahaha

But honestly i am in love with traveling. God only places desires in your heart for a reason and I know this was def part of the life that I imagined.
I wish you all an amazing evening.