Sunday, February 21, 2010

castles, bridges, and coldplay.

The past week of my life have been incredible. No rush hour, just me and the world- and nice new cardigan. Free People to be exact. which i still have shopper's remorse from haha. But I AM keeping it DAD!! The extended weekend- New Castle, England-- words cannot even express how much i hated that city!! From the waking up in the morning at 330 AM and the train ride half awake, the door on the train did not even close and it was so cold, i kept shutting but some English people just kept walking through and never bothered to shut it!!! Anyway, Scotland is the most beautiful country. I loved the nature along with the amazing coast lines. The train is a perfect way to see the country side, but you cannot stop to view to pretty harbors and take pictures of the sail boats. Moving on, we got to New Castle England and the first stop was BK. OF COURSE AMERICANS AND OUR FOOD- haha as i was leaving the train i look at my room mate, Becca, and say- "do you even want to be here?" and she was like, NO i thought we had to go some where... FAILURE. hahah so we walk up this 45 degree angle hill and both go, can we just call the hostel and see if we can get out of this... FAILURE NUMBER 2... "in indian accent, sorry mam but cancellations must be 48 hours in advance..." REALLY??? ugh, so becca and I find the Granger hostle around 930 am. We had to ring in the front door and the man at the desk rings us back in... He explains that we are early, but will allow us to keep our bags at the Granger, (huh... No thank you, i did not feel comfortable with that, but then again it was 35 pounds off of my back) haha so, i left it there but i never even left, becasue the ladies cleaned up our room right away-- so we got in early. Not only did we get in early, but we got a free contentional breakfast. Flakey cererals (becasue that is all that the Uk has ever heard of.. ) and orange juice- i told my mom that i buy orange juice everywhere i go because it tastes the same in all the countries!! haha So i started talking to these Irish old fat men, And half way through it i leave to go the bathroom and mind you the place had ONE TREE HILL ON (well i turned it to that but still, TV, something that I have NOT watched since i left the US) and while i was gone for ten minutes, becca got stuck talking to them, when i return they invited us to visit Belfast. After they invited us they told us the stories about the HIV Needles in Belfast... NO THANK YOU!!!! hahaha Once getting in our room, I turned on the tv and napped for a cool 20 minutes- Then the shops were calling us, all we had to do was walk down the 45 degree angle hill and find the shops. Easy in the day light- Around 5pm it began to get dark and I said, Becca we should leave now so we can find our way back.. Becca wips out the map and we begin to walk, walk right into NewCastle University... DEFENTIALLY NOT THE HOSTEL. After my whiny voice she goes, "opps, it was turned the wrong way... the map was.. hahahahahhahaha" ARE YOU SERIOUS. by then it had turned dark and we had never been in this city. Of course it was raining (shocker of my life, when does it NOT rain) and I was over tired.. NOT A GOOD COMBO. (its a good thing becca is patient) So we are walking and walking asking any legit old man or young where to go. Our first hint that we were going the wrong way is when we told the locals where we needed to go and this was their response: "Oh you need to catch the bus to get that far..." NOT WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR.. So i just kept walking north. Finally we get to China Town. And of course the weekend we were their is China's new year, THUS THE part in the streets begins. The windows has freaking chickens sitting in them.. Afther we hit China town, we found India Town and that was where our hostel was. Once back at the hostel, i fell asleep watching the Olympics around 730 PM. bahahha NOT to worry, the rude bratty English teens were also staying at the Granger... SOOOOOO at 930, 430, and 530 I was woken to a hyena pitched laugh. And i swore i heard people shagging, the room walls were OH SO THICK. 9 am, i woke up-- changed from my jeans from the day before and put on new ones, how nice, went to breakfast- glared at those English people who had NO PROBLEM starring at me and Becca. I would look at them and they would just keep staring like i was some kind of statue! IT WAS NUTS!!!!! We then packed up and booked it out of there- Returning back to Edinburgh around 2 pm. The rest of the weekend was catch up with home work and just plain relaxing. I went into the city and bought a new cardigan at Urban and some other things, but i ended up returning most of it.. Since it was a short week of school, my week went really fast. Tuesday night I attended Sound of Music. I dress in like Black Tie Affair stlye, even though i would have been fine in jeans... But i still had a tons of fun. Wed night was British History- I have had more fun watching paint dry. thursday night- is my friday night, but guess what i did??? WENT TO TESCOS: the best grocery store around. I found Reese's and granola bars along with string cheese and ACTIVIA. My mother would be soooooooo happy. Friday we went to Melrose Abbey and Bowhill Estate. BOth pretty but at the same time, i was ready to be back in Dalkeith. Saturday i met my host family. I must have been nervous and felt i had to eat as fast as I spoke.. and anyone who knows me really well knows that this combination DOES NOT EQUAL SUCCESS. need less to say i came home early. Sunday- went to a "carboot sale" it is a garage sale in an UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE... and people sell all their JUNK. (APril- i am afraid you would LOVEEEEE this too much) hahha I bought two DVD's for a pound- pretty cheap. After that i went to this stand up comedy show. it was cool but i don't get that humor, i just acted excited and jetted after the first act. And now i am just eating some cereral bars and enjoying my night off. Life is gooood. I am getting sooooo pumped for Egypt. My momma is coming over on the 16. and the 18 we are going to Sharm el Shiek-- then on the 25th- going to London via train. Should be the most epic Spring Break i have EVER done. I am just so stinking blessed. Life is good. God is good. I am loving it. BE BLESSED!!!!!

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