Sunday, March 7, 2010

Parachute. Blessings. Canon. Itunes. Captain Crunch.

I get so bad about updating. Life just gets the best of me... Since that last post- much has happened. Last weekend i went to Glasgow. It was a nice city. Industrial, better shopping than Edinbugh-- but of course RAINING- oh shocker i am in the country that only believes in rain and clouds. haha i am kidding, its actually been pretty warm. There has been sun the last four days i was here. And today i could have gone running in t-shirt and shorts, of course that is the Wisconsinite in me, I run past people in winter jackets and boots. They already think i am nutzo... SO hahah lets just keep that coming. Anyway, i am in love with this UK band called The Saturday's i am not sure why the US Itunes Doesn't stinking have it up yet, BUT anyway. I was in Germany this past weekend. Its great being so central to the EU. I woke up at 3 am on Thur. to catch a taxi into EDI. She yapped my hear off so it was nice to not have to even talk. For me to say that-- I was more tired that anything. I went through security and i don't know what it is.. BUT i love the candy here. Like in America i like candy it tastes good --- BUT here its nuts. I will buy like choc. then sugar gummies and junk. This week i promise i am going on a fast hahah Yea right, not a chance... well i can believe. So flying Ryan Air is pretty much a new experience. I had to walk out to the run way-- THEN when i arrived in Frankfurt- there is like a stinking bell that was like-- This is Ryan Airs great flight and crap like that." The flight attendants were sooooo stinking unprofessional- they flirted with the piolts hahahahahah Even if i wanted to be a match maker these ladies were BAD. hahha moving on, germany first day heilberg--- Great place- Got a bit ILL- Was barfing out the window. PTL dani is NOT grossed out to bad-- i am a pro plastic bag throw upper- (if thats a word) Anyway we shopped- hit up HandM. Munch and Hurl my mom calls it. We went lougned and went out Friday night. It was seriosuly a perfect weekend tho- I got to eat American food- be with amazing company and sleep in the Best bed in the world hahah---- And this week NO BRIT HISSSSSSSSSSSSS. I say it like that cos i hate it. SO my week HOPEFULLY WILL go fast. you know what tho, my weeks already go stinking fast. and then in one more week i get to see the most beautiful lady ever! MY MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps i am biased but i am going to mob her when she lands:):) and i have been so blessed my people back home. WOrds cannot even express. Thank you all for thinking of me and asking. THe UK is great- but would be even better if i had all my home dawgs with me!!!!!!!!!! And i "topped up" today so i can perhaps even call some of you. So the month of March has been stellar. Life is good. I just need to cut out eating the RUBBISH!!!!! I hope you are all living life to the fullest, "why settle for ordinary, when YOU CAN HAVE EXTRODINARY?"

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