Thursday, February 4, 2010


HEllo hello, Thursday has finally arrived and i have no school on Friday, so its offical the weekend has begun. THis week has been rather long not sure if its becasue i have British History for let's see... 3.5 HOURS!! SO BORING. I have a sheet that is full of my favorite quotes along with my name of course... I purchased a new jacket yesterday at Peacocks, i had to fit in better with the Scottish culture and of course a black North Face appears to be to "American".. Then again every time i smile you can of course notice that i have straight teeth, NOT A SIGN OF UNIVERSAL health care ahahah Na, i have actually noticed a few people who have a pleasant smile and of course when I do, i quickly ask-- DID you have braces??? I seem to notice teeth esp. with a great smile.. My purchase of the Lucky Brand leather shoes were a great purchase. They are not sterotypical American sneakers. Not that i am not so proud of my country becasue i would be the first to tell someone how much I love my country.. BUT i don't like standing out due to my American accesories.
There is a new band that i have been intruduced to over in the UK: La Ruex... Its a bit techno and poppy, But none the less it is fun and fits well with my runs in the morning.
Speaking of running, the people here are much quiter than Americas. I run and look down, sorta in my own world singing and people just come out of no where ( well not really i just don't pay attention) but some of them are creepy. These two guys from a distance looked ok but when i got up close, they had those eyes of the bad guys in European movies... It gave me chills but i just kept running and singing. Dogs too are everywhere here. I have not had a problem, but i am sure Daisy would not be welcomed amoung the pack.. then again when is Daisy welcome anywere she goes, unless its a 1999 Buick Lasabre. hahaha
For one of my classes we are required to blog so this is a perfect way of explaining what i am thinking/feeling and for required homework.
I haven't even had ice cream for over 8 days. I have been detoxing. I guess the bland food is helping me. My jeans are loser -- But Scotland has INCREDIBLE chocolate. Not going to lie, the Kit Kats here are INCREDIBLE.
There is a store called TK MAxx how perfect is that? Cheap clothes!!!
This weekend: plans are to do some homework, hit up some coffee shops, shop, go out, oh and no big deal just visit a few castles!!! hahah i am taking a train up to some other Scottish city to view some castles. I have heard its going to be cool. Otherwise, i am just going to keep it real and live the dream.
Its been a blessed journey thus far and cannot wait to meet the people I am supposed to and get my "line in the water"..
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, only read a page."

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