Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ice Cream. The Root of Evil.

I went running today and started talking to a nice older man who had a Westy. I had to walk away because he reminded me of my dad walking my dog Daisy. He had two gradchildren and six grand kids. He had a heart of gold and I could have chatted with him all day, until the tears rolled down my eyes. I really do love Scotland but at times I just really miss America. I miss my car and my bed. But the public transportation in Scotland is so nice. I just love not having to worry about parking or checking lanes; the bus does it all for me. I also love the people in Dalkeith. Everyone I met has blessed me. The young lady in Thomas Hook who helped me purchase my tickets and the tanning salon girls, everyone is very respectful and interesting. My accent is always a good conversational piece, “where are you from in America?” There is no way I could ever pass for Canadian, and I spent way too much money on my teeth! All in all for the short period I have been here, I have already become more independent and more sure of myself. The chocolate in the UK is AMAZING- last night Mary Anne and I went to a women’s choir at U of Edinburgh and when we walked in their were like eight girls singing and they just stared at us. One girls lips read, “who are they?” I just smiled and sat in a chair. Turns out the open women’s choir doesn’t start till 730 and we were early. I have not sung since the eighth grade—do you think I actually sang? Not a chance! I sat in the back row and watched the cute Australian teacher.. and then after about an hour of that I got up and had to get ice cream.. it had way to long since I have had any good stuff.. SOOOO I walked half a mile got ice cream with a “flake” I thought it would be sprinkles—WRONG, it was a stick of chocolate that looked like a cigar… Right as I walked out the door, a home less man asked me for money. AHH I walked right back into McDonalds.. After that incident I was ready to take on any body… Just as I was thinking I was going to cross the street and did not look, the city bus almost got me hahahah… NOT ok. Oh and the point of this story, I got my chocolate! A huge monster sized carmel one... WOW no calories or anything. God keeps directing my paths and I know that the plans he has for me are more than I could ever imagine or dream. He is just that great of a God. I am blessed and so are you- Keep praying and believeing for favor!

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