Sunday, February 7, 2010

one castle.. all the same.

Today rolled in like a monsoon. I woke up late and then realized that I was not even on the bus sheet to take the big charter bus into Edinburgh.. Instead i rode the public transit, As i was turning the corner to find the public transportion stop, the bus 49 was there and i was not near close enough... I then started running and holding out my hand much like a hitch hiker, those Scots waited for me. hahah I then proceeded into the city and met up with my group. The first castle was decent, but the walk up there was a killer- pretty much straight up and down. My arse better look dang amazing by the time this trip is complete. After the two hours looking around we had to get lunch.. I know I American and should eat none American food, but who can honeslty go wrong with a McChicken??? i didn't think so either, as you can guess i paid my pound and ate my American food with pride, but it did not end there- there was an INCREDIBLE mall in this town and of course i just HAD to enter and see where all these ladies were getting their bags from. I found that amazing store Primark.. SO SO STINKING CHEAP i loved every single second in it. it made me miss those cheap stores in America. After that we went to another castle and it was cold, tall and a bit long.. overall it was decent. I was glad i decided to go. I still have not a clue what i am doing this weekend.. I had the oppurtunity to head down to Manchester to see Lady Gaga on Thursday night.. But not enough time. But i do know that i am heading out to Eygpt for spring break. that will be three CONTINENTS i can cross off the list. SO cool. I am really excited to start tanning-- haha i know so lame but i can't wait to go some where that doesn't rain ever day. But i will give it to the Scots they know how to have fun. they cannot and probably won't understand fist pumping till 2012-- But they can have fun and dance. Friday night we went out and these Scottish guys were like-- " You American girls know how to dance" hahahh thats right. I did the Tree Moves from High School. OH wow those were the days. I sorta feel like i should start a dating colum much like my favorite Marie Claire blogger. ahhhhh anyway, i need to get going to bed, 7 am comes like a monster.. hahahh
HOpe you all had an incredible weekend!
Auf WIedersien


  1. haha. McChicken. yes yes. it's a classic. Stay classy.

  2. a wiz its steph!!!! i miss you so much!!!! u crack me up!!!! i hope u r having fun which u probley r having a good time!!!! i miss u again we have to i chat again that was funny!!! okay WORK IT in scottland!!!! love u!!!!
