Thursday, January 28, 2010

Scotand.. where do i even begin.?

Well ok, the day of January 27th was defentially an emotional one. I woke and still was not prepared for what i was getting myself into. Arrived at the airport a cool 3 hours ahead of schedule. Saying goodbye still makes my stomach uneasy. The lady at the Northwest check in counter did not provide me with a boarding pas.. So i am waiting in security and i check my ticket and it says, go to your nearest Northwest counter for more info, Mind you my eyes were red as fire and i was still wobbling the words out.. Never the less, the GREAT ( not my sarcasm) NW AGENT looked at me and said, WHY DON"T YOU have your boarding pass??? WELL HELLO LADY I WAS A LITTLE FRAZZLED!!! OK. so i head BACK down to ticketing and start balling YET AGAIN and the lady felt bad for me so she just printed a stub out for me and let me leave. I passed security with no problems. And then i go to my gate, and start scanning the crowd for college aged looking people.. I just start yapping my jaw and started making friends. It was really relaxed and totally what i love doing. Anyway, I boarded this big momma and got to my sit.. and waited and waited for someone to come sit by me. Well you know, thats the favor of God-- I HAD THE WHOLE sit next to me free!! NO BIG DEAL OR ANYTHING. THo of course i could not sleep, I had to watch 500 days of summer along with Love Happens. SOme of the greatest movies in 2009. Moving along, I then reached Amsterdamn around 6 am. That airport is full of creeps. This middle age, balled man working for KLM asked me with a smirk on his face, Are you on this airplane? WITH A WINK??? DISGUSTING. I laughed and walked away. The flight boarded and of course i start talking to some more randoms, met a lady whose kids live in Austrila and then the other lives in Scottsdale AZ> thats a hike from Scotland. The flight from Amst- to EDI was so chill. There were three open seats right in front on me. Had a lovely chat with a man who lived in Amsterdamn and loved to DJ- FIST PUMPING MUSIC ALL THE TIME! hahah we chatted and then i look across from me, this lady is from Scotland but just spent her holiday in Bali... OK SORTA A BIG DEAL!! HOW COOL IS THAT? she was so tan. its ok tho, there are tanning beds in the UK>> Arriving in the airport i was so relieved to say benous noches to my large traveling back paack. That puppy was HEAVY. The drive from airport to castle was only aboult 25 minutes, that whole time my head was in my luggage, i needed sleep and still do. I am just trucking away with a good 24 hours of no sleep. Can i say hello Sleeping pills and ADIOUS scotland. so yea thats about it. Living dream in Scotland. WIll keep you up dated and thank you all for the prays. GOD IS SO GOOD!

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