Monday, April 5, 2010

32 days.

32 days left in Scotland. I have mixed feelings really. It has been a great time, the people I have met are unlike any, BUT i miss America more than i ever thought i would. I miss using US Dollars to buy items. I miss my family and my doggies. I miss waking up to Addisen screaming- ZAZZA you are finally up! I miss coloring with her. i miss eating Jimmy Johns and Chipotle with some of the best crew in the world. I MISS MY CAR! haha But those things i have learned to But i am sure that two weeks after i get back home and the excitment has worn off i will miss this place. So to update you all about the last month, i must say it truly has been one of the best months of my life- Here's why:
Second weekend in March- Hit up Firbush in the Northern part of Scotland. I am not outdoorsey at all. BUt this trip made me love hiking, canoeing, (yes paddy i will go), and honeslty being in nature- DIVA TO Nature. Never thought i would say those two words in the say sentence. haha But the food was great and being active all weekend was even better.
Next weekend- My momma came to visit. I don't think i have ever been more excited to see her.
We went to Sharm El Sheik Egypt for a nice little week long holiday... I don't even know where to begin about this trip. We first get into the Glasgow airport and our luggage is like 5 kg overweight... the lady is crabby and rude (of course- whats new) Thomas Cook was a joke of airline but thats besides the point- My mom was to excited to even care that we had to pay 35 pounds... or 57 USD. WHAT A RIP. anyway, we pay get on the flight. and the Flight Attendants were like super super Sellers- I felt the flight was more like going into a market and trying to get the highest bids. NO I DON"T WANT DKNY PERFUME for the seventh time- thanks. We get into Sharmy Airport and the locals just stare us down... My mom and I just kept together and looked with wide eyes.. We purchased an Egyptian visa- for the fear that we may want to tour around the SINI PENINSILA. WRONG we were afraid to go out our front door becasue we may run into our CREEPER house cleaner guy. The first morning my mom and I go to breakfast and i just leave all my crap on the bed- my bra, underware, pjs you know that stuff, i come back from breakfast and he is FOLDING MY UNDERWARE! I flipped out, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he just smearked and said, you don't like? WHY THE HECK WOULD I LIKE THAT? NO I said, SHUUUUUU SHUUU> GET OUT of here. but of course he did not stop, i turned my head for like one minute and he was back at it. By then i just got grossed out and told my mom to get him out of here. She said, You are invading personal space, stop it. Oh ya my mom and I were the ONLY AMERICANS at this 300 person resort. We were over taken by Russians, Russians and a few Brits. I have traveled to some pretty tropical islands in the Caribbean, and have seen some interesting thingns but by far Sharmy was the first place in my life that i was lost for words. No matter what size a women was- 100 pounds to 300 they rocked bikinis. I give them props for rocking it.. But honestly, is it necessary, Oh and everyone just tans topless. But when they go swimming, they covered up. Its so wacked. Whatever, i pride myself in wearing classy suits. haha Anywaay, the food in Sharmy was at least a few steps up from the food we eat at the palace- or inmate food as Brent calls it hahah but the Egptian culture uses different spices and it just tasted different/ Praise the lord for ketchup and salt. That got us through oh and actually decent tasting Fanta. The Uk stuff is used with Sparkling water- SICK stuff. The Fanta in Egypt was just like Home. Also, in the Egyptian culture the men made sexual refrences all the time. I got to the point where i acted like i was Russian so i did not have to respond. It worked. My mom and I made some friends from the Uk- and this couple had such thick Scottish accents that my mom would look at me to "translate" hahah Even though i have been living here, it does not mean that I actually can understand their thick broughs. Most nights we were in bed by nine cos we layed in the sun for 5 to 6 hours everyday, which the weather was gergous.. Sunny everyday. OK side tracked- but the one night we go out in Namba Bay, was one of the scariest nights. The people try so hard to get you into the shops, they shout anything to you.. Thank the lord my momma and I were with a crew, beasue it was scary. One day we went snorkeling and that was super fun. The Thomas Cook representive called us "Sharkys" so when he called for us in the ocean the other people would quickly clear the water. I found that to be super funny. He was quite funny and told me stories about the Russian people. I just laughed and laughed. So the week of fun in the sun was over, but we still had the whole weekend in London. Of course the whole weekend in London it rained, i did not care though i got to spend so much time with my mom. I will never forget it. We bonded and shared so much, that we grew so close. It was the perfect trip. We laughed, ate chocolate and explored the world. With just one dream, i have been blessed to see some really awesome places in the world. As much as i miss home, and can't wait to be in America, i know i will miss Scotland and the people along with their accents.
Until then, i pray you all have an incredibley blessed week.